It’s a Test Post – (Please Ingore)

Welcome To My Site Disrupting, Innovating & Hopefully Inspiring. 🙂

The SEONitro is a small group of SEO professionals dedicated to testing SEO methods in a controlled environment and either “Busting or Confirming” each SEO variable and tactic,thereby creating a new set of “SEO Best Practices” based on science rather than theory. We all work virtually and from different time zones. 🙂

How it’s started…

It was October,2015 at my (Dori Friend) 4thSEORockstars Summit (where the best of the best underground SEO’ers come together and share their ninja SEO tactics).

What happened next had all our mouths open in awe and craving for more!Rocket Fuel for Your Website

It was SO simple yet SO powerful.It made complete sense and reminded me of the time ‘I’ was a fanatical tester and the HUGE benefit that came from that.

You see,most SEO professionals know they should be testing,but it is expensive and horribly time consuming. Thus,99% of the SEO industry gets their SEO knowledge from reading forums and articles on MOZ,and then think they ‘know’ what works,when in fact,most of the time,it doesn’t.

For more information you can refer to our official page hereRocket Fuel for Your Website.